Info abundance, yet close-minded? Mattie Jo Cowsert shows the power of open-mindedness.
Info abundance, yet close-minded? Mattie Jo Cowsert shows the power of open-mindedness.
Isn’t it ironic that we have more information at our fingertips than ever before, yet we seem to be more close-minded?
I have to fight it with every fiber of my being whenever I see someone post something online or when I drive past a home with a lawn sign supporting a politician I don’t agree with. The stoic in me stops me from getting annoyed or upset, but then I must silence my inner “Judge Judy” who wants to pass judgment on that person. With the former, it’s all about controlling what I can control—nothing I do will stop the person from thinking that way. For the latter, it’s about giving them grace and trying to understand the reasons they feel that way.
That brings me to actor and author Mattie Jo Cowsert, who showed me the transformative power of an open mind. Mattie Jo was recently on my show, Good Listen, where she shared her story of being raised in a strict evangelical environment. She arrived in New York City armed with rigid beliefs about God, sex, and wealth. But the city’s diverse landscape forced her to face the limitations of her worldview and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
One of the biggest takeaways from Mattie Jo’s story is her willingness to question the “absolute truths” she was raised with. As she met people from vastly different backgrounds, she began to re-examine the very foundations of her beliefs, particularly the Bible. She realized that the interpretations she was taught were often incomplete or taken out of context, reinforcing a narrow and sometimes harmful ideology.
This “aha” moment was pivotal in her path toward open-mindedness—not about simply rejecting former beliefs, but confronting them head-on. She sought a deeper understanding beyond the confines of her religion.
Her newfound freedom also extended to experiences with sex and relationships. Raised with the expectation of saving herself for marriage, she faced the realities of dating in New York City, where such expectations were often met with indifference or, even worse, a resounding “meh.” She spoke about a time of recklessness, driven by a desire to make up for lost time and societal pressures.
Yet, this experimentation led to a deeper understanding of her own sexuality and the importance of setting boundaries. This self-awareness was crucial, allowing her to move away from a reactive approach to relationships and toward a place of greater agency and self-knowledge.
As a working actor in New York, Mattie Jo made money by babysitting, and her interactions with the “uber-wealthy” added another layer to her evolving perspective. Initially annoyed by vast economic disparities, she learned that while wealth solves some problems, it does not exempt people from life’s complexities.
More importantly, her experiences challenged the stereotype of “heartless rich bastards.” She met people who were kind, generous and committed to using their wealth for good. These moments showed the importance of looking beyond superficial (Judge Judy) judgments and acknowledging the inherent worth of individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status.
Throughout our talk, Mattie Jo emphasized the importance of trusting oneself. This self-trust is essential for developing an open mind, allowing us to question preconceived notions, engage with different perspectives, and ultimately arrive at our own conclusions. This can be challenging when it means confronting deeply held beliefs and uncomfortable truths.
Mattie Jo’s journey, which she writes about in her new book God, Sex, and Rich People, is a powerful reminder that open-mindedness is not about passively accepting everything. It’s an active process of seeking knowledge, engaging with diverse perspectives, and being willing to adjust one’s worldview in light of new information and experiences.
Maybe it’s striking up a conversation with someone whose beliefs differ from yours, or exploring a perspective that makes you uncomfortable. Maybe it’s simply pausing before making snap (Judge Judy) judgments about that neighbor with the opposing political sign.
Remember, every person you meet—whether on social media, in your neighborhood, or in the heart of New York City—has a story as complex and nuanced as Mattie Jo’s. They’ve been shaped by their own experiences and struggles.
By approaching these differences with curiosity rather than judgment, we can create spaces for genuine connection and growth.
I’m kind of tired of the “get comfortable with the uncomfortable” cliché, but the path to open-mindedness isn’t always comfortable. But, it’s definitely rewarding. It leads us to richer relationships, deeper understanding, and a more well-rounded view of the world. As Mattie Jo shows us, sometimes the biggest truth bombs drop when we dare to question our “truths.”
Let’s challenge ourselves to be more than zombie-like consumers of information. Let’s be active seekers of understanding, open to engaging with different views, and brave enough to let those times transform us. After all, in a world that seems pretty freaking divided, your next moment of genuine openness might just create a ripple effect of positive change.
What beliefs will you examine today? Whose story will you take the time to understand? The journey toward open-mindedness begins with a single, conscious choice—and that choice is yours to make, I won’t judge.